Circulars - 2015

74 Circulars Found

Issued Date Circular No Circular Topic
2015-04-2801-16/2015Request to obtain foreign leave and allowances to attend self arranged scientific conferences and workshops abroad No Amendments
2015-04-2901-17/2015Introduction of a Healthy Canteen in Work PlacesNo Amendments
2015-04-1701-18/2015Guidelines for conducting Monthly and Local Conference at the Medical Officer of Health areasNo Amendments
2015-05-2901-19/2015"World No Tobacco Day" - 31.05.2015No Amendments
2015-05-2801-20/2015Selection of eligible Nursing Officers to be released on Secondary Basis for the Vacancies Existing in Jayawardhanapura Hospital - 2015No Amendments
2015-05-2801-21/2015Supply of Diets to Patients and Minor Employees in Medical InstitutionsNo Amendments
2015-05-0401-23/2015Hand Hygiene Compliance - Introduction of Hand Hygiene ToolsNo Amendments
2015-06-1701-24/2015Recruitment of personnel on contract/casual/temporary Basis No Amendments
2015-07-0801-25/2015Providing Sexual and Reproductive (SRH) Services to Adolescents No Amendments
2015-06-0801-26/2015Implementation of eighteen new serology tests No Amendments
2015-07-1401-27/2015Amending the official Designation of the Post of "Lab Orderly" as "Health Laboratory Aide" belong to Semi Technical (PL-02-2006 (A)) category of Primary Grade of Ministry of Health and Indigenous Medicine.No Amendments
2015-06-2301-28/2015Providing relief, for the anomalies caused by not conducting in due time the efficiency bar examination which should be passed by the Registered and Assistant Medical Officers in Grade II during the period of probation. No Amendments
2015-08-1101-29/2015Annual Transfers of Registered/ Assistant Medical Officers - 2016No Amendments
2015-10-0001-30/2015Post of Deputy Director General ( Medical Service) II No Amendments
2015-09-2301-31/2015World Mental Health Day 2015 "Dignity in Mental Health" No Amendments