Circulars - 2015

74 Circulars Found

Issued Date Circular No Circular Topic
2015-09-2301-31/2015World Mental Health Day 2015 "Dignity in Mental Health" No Amendments
2015-09-3001-32/2015World Breast Cancer Awareness Month - October 2015No Amendments
2015-09-0202-97/2015Two(02) Posts of Dental Surgeons to Sri Lanka Air Force Guwanpura Dental Unit on Secondment Basis No Amendments
2015-02-0502-15/2015Transfers of Nursing Officers ( Education) in Special GradeNo Amendments
2015-09-2202-119/2015Third Efficiency Bar Examination for the post of Control Room Operator, Automobile Technician, Electrician, Cinema Machine Operator and Electro-medical Technician for which salary scale PL-3-2006(A) is stipulated of Primary Technical service category - 2015No Amendments
2015-05-2801-21/2015Supply of Diets to Patients and Minor Employees in Medical InstitutionsNo Amendments
2015-05-2801-20/2015Selection of eligible Nursing Officers to be released on Secondary Basis for the Vacancies Existing in Jayawardhanapura Hospital - 2015No Amendments
2015-04-0202-36/2015Revision of Disturbance, Availability and Transport (DAT) Allowance of Medical OfficersNo Amendments
2015-04-2801-16/2015Request to obtain foreign leave and allowances to attend self arranged scientific conferences and workshops abroad No Amendments
2015-01-2602-09/2015Replacement List for Annual Transfers 2015 (Draft)No Amendments
2015-01-1302-10/2015Recruitment on Merit Basis to the Post of Assistant Chief Health Education Officer of the Ministry of Health 2014No Amendments
2015-01-2302-08/2015Recruitment of Tutors to the Training Schools belong to the Services of Professions Supplementary to Medicine No Amendments
2015-06-1701-24/2015Recruitment of personnel on contract/casual/temporary Basis No Amendments
2015-02-2501-02/2015Recruitment of BSc. nursing graduates for the orientation and coordination course in the nursing service - 2015No Amendments
2015-10-3001-35/2015Re: Procedure to be followed in conducing programmes and functions organized by the Ministry of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine.No Amendments